The Masters That Were With Us On Previous Journeys


Master Zhang
Venerable Master Zhang's birthplace is in the northern part of China, Shin Yiang Province. She is a Master of the Buddhist Temple imparting a tradition of ancient wisdom Medicine Buddha Practice and Qi-Gong Healing Arts. Master Zhang is well known in China and the US and is officially recognized a “Living National Treasure” by the Peoples' Republic of China. 
Her extraordinary skills as a teacher and healer transcends our earthly perceptions of time and space. Her divine energy work reveals ancient mysteries right in front of our eyes.

Brother Thay Pap Hai
Originally from Australia, Brother Phap Hai is a senior monastic student of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and  received Lamp Transmission from him in January 2003.  Brother Phap Hai is known for his ability to convey complex teachings in an accessible and humorous manner and leads retreats and workshops throughout the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, and Asia. He currently resides at Deer Park Monastery, in California, where he breathes, walks, and smiles on a regular basis.

Jon Rasmussen
Jon Rasmussen is a Shamanic Healer with over 20 years of experience. He has been trained and initiated by various shamanic lineages of the Americas and Asia, most notably the Quero tribe of Peru. He wrote and published many books and was being written about in reputable magazines such as “Psychology Today”. He incorporates different spiritual and traditional methods including chanting, burning sage and the use of sacred objects. 
He works with clients and students around the globe and conducts shaman sessions as well as fire and drum rituals for individuals, couples and groups. 

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