Erica Home Page“A true Master awakens the master in others”

If you have tried many healings and spiritual modalities but are still struggling with some of life's issues, if you are seeking a life filled with Vision and passion, then come join us to be empowered to your own mastery.

As long as you are asleep into your own illusion, even your solutions will keep you stuck in your own problems!

That is why Einstein said: “You cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking that created it”

The “Journey with Masters Retreat” is an once in a lifetime opportunity to maximize your life to the highest and best.

* Your time is irreplaceable! 

 Dive deep within yourself, and find out what you are made of…Your true self, the Guru/Master within! 
Life becomes a mystery to only be experienced - There are so many teachers/healers out there recently, but very few are gifted one!

I want to share with you these gifted teachers/healers. You will join with extraordinary shaman from the high Andes Mountains of Peru ready to take you to the next level.

I am honored to introduce these powerful but humble Shaman healers to our 2017 Retreat.


Erica Jeong
, Founder


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